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Living with PFAS in the Water

97% of Americans already have traces of PFAS in their blood, making it clear that this is an issue that everyone has a stake in. Drinking clean water is a basic human right. Whether it is you, or someone you love that is in the 97%, we must all take action today.


Fire – Smoke – Future

There was a fire in my neighborhood (in Dorchester, MA) this week. I woke up at about 4:40 to popping sounds – wondered if they were fireworks (annoying at that hour but ok) or maybe gun shots (yikes). It didn’t sound quite like either. But quickly I heard sirens…lots of sirens...converging very nearby.


Michigan's New PFAS Standards- A Step in the Right Direction

In states across the country, Clean Water Action is tackling the PFAS pollution problem. PFAS (per- and polyflyoroalkyl substances) is known as the "forever chemical" because it persists in the environment and in our bodies. It is associated with a range of health harms from cancers to liver