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Pass State Legislation to Protect Kids from Lead

Children all across Pennsylvania are at risk of exposure to lead through paint in old housing units, aging infrastructure leaching lead into our drinking water and soil contamination from demolished industrial sites.

Plastic Bags’ Days are Numbered in Pennsylvania

July 1, 2021 was a milestone date in Pennsylvania - one that put pollution from plastic bags on notice.

It marked the expiration of a statewide preemption that delayed implementation of any current policies to limit or ban single-use plastic bags. The legislature first tried to limit local plastic


During COVID 19: Reusable Bags are Still the Better Choice

Please join our campaign! Start by writing to City Council NOW and email me to learn about other ways you can help. Also, if your store has stopped allowing the use of reusable bags, please contact them and urge them to allow reusable bags again. Together, let’s make it happen.