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Testimony on HB352: 2 Crew Members on Freight Trains

Train derailments are not uncommon in Maryland, and many of our rail lines parallel rivers or run through communities. HB 492 will help create safer working conditions for rail workers, improve the safety of communities living near rail lines, and protect the environment by limiting the likelihood of a derailment and subsequent explosion or spill.

Testimony on MD HB161, the Waste Disposal Authority Sunset Act

Today Clean Water Action testified on HB161, the Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority Sunset Act. This important bill sets up a review by the state Department of Legislative Services to consider whether or how this quasi-state agency, created by the state in 1980 to plan and finance trash incinerators, should continue.

Our Clean Water Priorities in the 2023 MD Legislative Session

Maryland's 2023 legislative session has begun! For 90 days stretching until April 10, advocates across Maryland will be busily at work passing legislation through the House and Senate and to the desk of our new Governor Moore. Here are the top bills that we'll be prioritizing at Clean Water Action and how you can take action - we can't do it without you!