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Awakening: My Road to Environmentalism

As a self-proclaimed “social justice warrior”, I am ashamed of how late I arrived to environmentalism. Growing up in Baltimore, I focused on police brutality, homelessness, and a faulty public education system. I remember walking down Preston street seeing my community members throwing corner store


Clean Water Action Rhode Island - The Place to Be

I’ve spent my entire life living in Rhode Island. I’ve grown up here, gone to school here, spent most of my time here, and ultimately been influenced by this place. Remaining in the state or leaving indefinitely both seem like equally plausible scenarios, considering my age and the line of thought


43 Ways to Reduce Your Plastic Disposable Waste

How do you reduce your plastic waste? Here is a list of ideas presented by ReThink Disposable to either get you started or expand upon your current low-plastic lifestyle. Some of these are obvious, while others are a bit more obscure. See how many you can check off the list!

Activism & Inspiration at Clean Water Action's 32nd Annual Conference

We are still reeling from our conference that happened last weekend, Saturday, April 28th at The Wardlaw+Hartridge School, in Edison. We enjoyed sharing the work we are doing to protect New Jersey’s environment and appreciated learning about the organizing people are doing to make a difference in their communities. Check out the conference photos here!


Garbage Patch Kids: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

If you have read the news recently, you have probably seen an article or two about a recent study of the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”. The articles report estimates of plastic pollution in the trillions, and swaths of plastic waste that are the size of countries.

Those numbers might make it feel