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Fire – Smoke – Future

There was a fire in my neighborhood (in Dorchester, MA) this week. I woke up at about 4:40 to popping sounds – wondered if they were fireworks (annoying at that hour but ok) or maybe gun shots (yikes). It didn’t sound quite like either. But quickly I heard sirens…lots of sirens...converging very nearby.


Cleaning Up Our Air By Cleaning Transportation

The best way to protect our health from the harms of pollution is to prevent pollution in the first place.

That’s why Clean Water Action is so excited to advocate for the Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI), which Connecticut joined along with nine other states last year. TCI is a regional


Rebuilding New Jersey’s Budget and Environment for the Many

As our state heroically strives to meet this crisis with a too-small Rainy Day Fund and an underfunded budget, it is worth considering what type of budget choices New Jersey can make now that can support working families, our state’s economy, and our state’s environment as we move forward together.


Fifty Years of Earth Day: Where do we go from here...

It's Earth Week—and we’re dealing with the Covid 19 pandemic. These are unsettling times. The Covid 19 virus has, in a matter of weeks, shut down the global economy, wreaked havoc on human lives, stressed healthcare and essential workers, tested us all as we quarantine, cancel graduations and important celebrations, shift our work online and required people across the globe to stay at home.


Let’s All Do Our Part On World Water Day

March 22 is World Water Day, a United Nations observance showcasing the need for access to clean healthy water around the world and the critical need to protect this precious resource.


We Will Not Be Silenced: Speaking Out Against NEPA Rollbacks

Clean Water Action joined environmental advocates and community leaders from across the country for a rally and hearing in Washington, DC to speak out against the Trump Administration's rollbacks of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Kim Gaddy, Clean Water Action's Environmental Justice Organizer, traveled from Newark, NJ to speak at the hearing.