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Thank your legislators for passing the PFAS ban!

PFAS are a class of human-made chemicals that are incredibly persistent in the environment and also highly toxic. Great news! The General Assembly passed a comprehensive ban on toxic PFAS in Rhode Island! Send a thank you note!

The climate friendly solution to hot summer days in Boston

Massachusetts residents struggled with extreme heat earlier this month during a week-long heatwave that drove temperatures up to 98 degrees. In Dorchester, where Betsy Drinan lives, days can get up to 15 degrees hotter compared to nearby rural areas.

For 20 years, Betsy has lived on the third


Clean Water on the Move - August 2022

Happy Summer! Welcome to Clean Water on the Move, your monthly update from Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund. Take a look at what our amazing staff has been up to and what is coming in the months ahead. Thanks for your ongoing support for our work towards a healthy environment for all.


My journey to affordable energy as a renter

Massachusetts is considered one of the leading states in the US regarding energy efficiency. Still, it's also the second state with the highest use of heating oil, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Many homes that use heating oil are older houses that are long overdue for