Residents, community organizations, and small businesses banded together to defeat Amazon. Clean Water Action joined the Good Jobs Clean Air (GJCA) NJ coalition and organized for 10 months to fight against a secret deal between Amazon and the Port Authority that would have allowed Amazon to open an Air Hub at Newark Airport without considering impacts on the surrounding communities.
The Amazon Air Hub would have increased truck and airplane traffic and the pollution that comes along with it, in communities where public health is already disproportionately threatened. And despite Amazon’s job creation claims, the data show that injury rates are disproportionately high at Amazon facilities, and that average wages go down when Amazon comes into communities.
“Environmental justice and labor advocates representing Newark and Elizabeth stood strong. Our coalition is committed to setting higher standards: No more bad jobs and dirty air in black and Latinx communities. Our community deserves protection,” said Terrance L. Bankston, NJ Environmental Justice Organizer, Clean Water Action.
“This is a great victory for residents who came together in solidarity for clean air and good jobs,” said Kim Gaddy, National Environmental Justice Director, Clean Water Action.
Help the GJCA coalition defend overburdened communities and protect the interest of workers.
Learn more about Clean Water Action's Environmental Justice campaigns here. Join us in celebrating victories like this at Clean Water Action 50th birthday celebration event in Newark on Sat Oct 1st! RSVP here.