Clean Water Action protects water and health, from watershed to water tap. Clean Water Action’s programs reach and involve tens of thousands of Marylanders every year, building a clean water and clean energy future through outreach, education, organizing, advocacy and policy action at the local, state and national levels.

Take Action
Civic Engagement and Democracy in Maryland
Zero Waste in MD
How communities across Maryland handle their trash has enormous impacts on local air quality, municipal budgets, and contributions to climate change.
Environmental Justice in Maryland
Protecting the Chesapeake
Equitable Development in Maryland
Where and how we grow has an enormous impact on our air, water, and finances. Clean Water is committed to inclusive processes that protect communities and the environment so that our families, neighborhoods, and local economies thrive.

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State Offices:
145 W Ostend St, Suite 534
Baltimore, MD 21230
United States