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California green lighted more irrigation with oil wastewater
Last week, regulators approved the expanded use of oil wastewater for irrigation of crops in Kern County.
The Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board), unanimously approved a Waste Discharge Requirement (WDR) permit for California Resources Corporation (CRC) to sell 21,200 acre feet (6.9 million gallons) of oil and gas wastewater from the Kern Front Oil Field to the North Kern Water Storage District annually. The produced water will be distributed to farmers for irrigation and used for groundwater recharge, despite significant questions about the safety of this
Huh? Governor’s Water Commission declares an end to climate change in 2050!
On December 16, the California Water Commission, which is administering $2.7 billion in bonds for water storage projects, forwarded draft regulations guiding that expenditure to the Office of Administrative Law for public review. The draft regulations are wholly inadequate.
Campaigning for Environmental Justice
There are times in environmental battles when communities can start to feel this way. However, community organizing can play a critical role in bringing people together to rise up and make a difference. That's why I'm proud to be a community organizer with Clean Water Action. This past weekend, I had an incredible opportunity to work with activists in Staten Island who - like other seaport residents across the nation - are fighting for their health and environmental justice.
Two High School Freshmen Testify Wryly Before Committee on Carbon Pricing
While testifying before the Massachusetts legislature on proposed carbon pricing legislation, two Somerville High School students used humor to expose the legislation’s opponents.
False Choices: Public Safety vs. Public Health
On Monday, November 9th, the Boston City Council held a public hearing on a proposal to update Boston’s Fire code so that the city’s public spaces could, in the future purchase, furniture that is free of toxic flame retardants.