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Washington DC -- Today the Biden administration announced its plan to safeguard water and communities across the nation by reconsidering the 2020 Navigable Waters Protection Rule, which stripped certain streams and wetlands of Clean Water Act protection. The administration also announced it will begin developing a new, more protective rule. 

Clean Water Action National Water Campaigns Director, Jennifer Peters, released the following response. 

“It’s good that EPA announced a plan to develop a new Waters of the U.S. policy to clarify Clean Water Act protections for critical water resources, but we also need action to protect our water right now. The previous administration’s so-called “Navigable Waters Protection Rule” stripped protections from far too many streams, wetlands, and drinking water sources. These waters, and the communities that rely on them, are at risk today. EPA can protect these waters and communities by repealing this Dirty Water Rule as soon as possible. 

The Biden-Harris administration has pledged to make policy decisions based on science while advancing environmental justice. The “Navigable Waters Protection Rule” is not based on science and prioritizes shielding polluters over protecting impacted communities. Repealing the Navigable Waters Protection Rule is a first step toward fulfilling those promises, but EPA must also craft a new science based policy that will ensure all of our nation’s water is protected from pollution and destruction.”


Since the organization’s founding during the campaign to pass the landmark Clean Water Act in 1972, Clean Water Action has worked to win strong health and environmental protections by bringing issue expertise, solution-oriented thinking, and people power to the table.
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