Plastic is finding its way into more and more aspects of our lives, even storing boats! Plastic creates serious toxic impacts across its entire lifecycle, with low-income communities and communities of color most impacted. Communities are impacted by air and water pollution stemming from plastic production and use. We are all exposed to the chemicals contained in everyday plastics, from the food we eat that is wrapped in plastic to the vinyl flooring in our homes. Over half of all plastics ever made were produced in the last 15 years and only 5-6% of all plastics are recycled. The rest are landfilled or incinerated.
And the problem is only getting worse.
Minnesota leads the nation in boats per capita with roughly 14,500 vessels per 100,000 population. 80,000 to 300,000 MN boats are shrink-wrapped every year over the winter with millions of pounds of
plastic used. Clean Water Action is supporting legislation in the 2024 Minnesota Legislature to encourage the collection, recycling, and tracking of boat shrink-wrap plastic.
Minnesota Legislature Bill Status