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press release

NJ Assembly Democrats Stymie Environmental Justice During John Lewis’ Funeral

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he NJ Environmental Justice Alliance, Ironbound Community Corp. and Clean Water Action issued the following statement in response to the NJ Assembly Democrats refusal to conduct a previously scheduled final vote today on a critical environmental justice bill (A2212-S232, McKeon- Singleton) that has already passed the Senate and has unusually strong support from Governor Murphy, Senator Booker, NJ Urban Mayors Association, and over 250 labor, faith and justice groups.

press release

Clean Water Action respalda a Joe Biden para Presidente

Release Date

“Reparar el daño que Trump ha hecho no será fácil ni rápido. Se requerirá visión, claridad moral, disposición para escuchar y un líder que actuará en el mejor interés de todos nosotros. Joe Biden es ese líder”.