press release
Broad Coalition of Environmental, Public Health, and Environmental Justice Groups Thank President Biden and Congressional Leadership for Prioritizing Historic Investments in Lead Service Line Replacement in the Build Back Better Framework
Release Date
“With this historic investment, the President and Congress are taking important strides to ensure everyone has access to safe, clean, lead-free drinking water."
press release
Clean Water Action: A Historic Investment in Our Water and Climate
Release Date
“The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and the Build Back Better Act make historic investments in our water, climate, and health."
press release
Broad Coalition of Environmental & Social Justice Groups Unite to Clean Up Maryland’s Renewable Portfolio Standard
Release Date
Today, 13 environmental and social justice groups announced the creation of the Reclaim Renewable Energy Coalition (Reclaim REC); formed to clean up Maryland’s Renewable portfolio standard (RPS).
press release
2020-2021 NJ Legislature Champions 11 Environmental Laws, Best Showing in Years
Release Date
In a session marked by crisis after crisis from COVID and George Floyd to the January 6th insurrection and Ida, a majority of legislators rose to the occasion and made the connection that protecting our environment means protecting our health, greening our economy, and standing up for justice.
press release
Clean Water Action: Our future is at stake -- reform the filibuster now
Release Date
“Enough is enough -- to protect our democracy, the Senate must reform the filibuster."
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