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Washington DC – Today the President announced a framework on Build Back Better Act investments, including aggressive programs to address the climate crisis. Following this announcement, the House of Representatives is expected to soon vote on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal, which includes historic investments in water infrastructure.

Clean Water Action President and CEO, Bob Wendelgass, released the following statement.

“The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and the Build Back Better Act make historic investments in our water, climate, and health. The investments in replacing lead service pipes, programs to expand public transit and clean up our transportation systems in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal are critical to communities across the country. But right now our path to progress is incomplete -- the most important provisions to build a clean energy economy, tackle the climate crisis, create jobs that can support families, and address environmental injustice are in the Build Back Better Act. Despite being smaller in scope than originally planned, the Build Back Better Act is a major investment in the future and the health of our families. Congress must quickly pass the Build Back Better Act-- it includes $550 billion to address climate change, which is historic and long overdue. We urge  Democrats to get these bills to the finish line and to carry this momentum forward and continue to invest in our future. 


Since the organization’s founding during the campaign to pass the landmark Clean Water Act in 1972, Clean Water Action has worked to win strong health and environmental protections by bringing issue expertise, solution-oriented thinking, and people power to the table.

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