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Community Letter -- Pass the PFAS Action Act

The science is clear: PFAS have been linked to serious health problems through decades of animal, worker, and human studies. Unfortunately, EPA has failed to take steps to restrict air and water releases, reduce PFAS in our tap water, or clean up the nation's most contaminated sites. H.R. 2467 will set clear deadlines requiring EPA to do just that.

Community Letter -- Invest in Our Water -- July 2021

Our organizations thank you for your continued leadership and commitment to clean and safe drinking water, public health, and environmental justice. As you implement the American Jobs Plan and Build Back Better agenda, we respectfully ask that you enact substantial spending for badly needed water


Pennsylvania Currents | Summer 2021

In This Issue: Philadelphia Challenges State Over Law to Stop the Plastic Bag Ban | EPA Community Roundtable on Lead in Drinking Water | Cleaning up US Steel in the Mon Valley | Gerrymandering Judicial Elections | Pittsburgh Lead Safe Ordinance

Chesapeake Currents | Summer 2021

In This Issue: Connecting with Government | How Can Your Food Waste Change the Climate | Maryland Legislative Recap | The Pollinator Protection Act, Five Years On | Basement Sewer Win | Solar Siting | Frederick City Superfund | Virginia Legislative Recap | Environmental Justice in Anacostia

Texas Currents -- Summer 2021

In This Issue: Texas GOP Pursues Voter Suppression | Take Action on the For the People Act | The Legislature Whiffs on Sewage | Tepid Reforms to the Electric Grid | Austin Can Protect Water with Water Forward | Stopping Stealth Solar Fees at PEC