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Meet our Summer 2020 Maryland Interns!

This year, as our Baltimore office is closed and we're all working from home, our internship program looks a little different! We're working with 11 interns, including high school, college, and graduate students, to expand our research base and work on septic and sewer systems, drinking water

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Plastic Free July 2020

We are in one of the worst eras of plastic pollution ever, but we are also in one of the best moments of plastic pollution activism! Join us in celebrating Plastic Free July - a month dedicated to raising awareness and taking action to fight plastic pollution.
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How Does a Septic System Work?

Did you know? Your septic system is likely the most expensive appliance in your house!

Did you know? Your septic system flows into our streams and groundwater - it treats wastewater and keeps them clean!

Taking simple precautions today will both save you headache in the future and keep your system

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PFAS, the “forever chemicals” made simple

In our work at Clean Water Action we throw around a lot of statistics and chemical names which, if you’re not used to hearing them, all sound pretty much like “ethyl-methyl-bad-stuff.” Sometimes that’s really all you need to know: “there’s something bad there – stay away.”

But one group of

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