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Silence is Not an Option: Black Lives Matter

We are angry and we are anguished, yet again. We are anguished because the unjust killing of George Floyd has again laid bare the oppression and racism that lead to daily harassment, injury, and death of our black and brown neighbors. We are angry because people who are crying out for justice and

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June 2nd: Maryland's Primary

Today is the last day to request an absentee ballot if you have not yet received your ballot in the mail.

If you have received your ballot, just a reminder that it needs to sent June 2nd.

There are official ballot drop off boxes in each county and Baltimore City if you would rather deliver your

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We're Hungry for Parks

Congress should fully fund for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) by passing the Great Americans Outdoor Act. As we all have experienced, access to parks is incredibly important for our mental and physical health, and remain a low risk activity even while we are social distancing. Unfortunately, for years Congress has diverted money out of the Land and Water Conservation Fund, leaving us with critically underfunded parks when we need them most.
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Shannon Sneed for Baltimore City Council President

Maryland's primary election is one week from today - have you received your ballot in the mail? If so, don't forget to mark it in black ink, and sign and date the back before sending it in! If not, it's not too late to make sure your voice is heard - you can download and print a ballot here by

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