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Pennsylvania Currents | Summer 2024

In this Issue: National Updates | A Breath of Fresh Air for PA | 2024 General Election | Fighting for Safer Products | Shifting from a Throwaway Lifestyle | Support for Environmental Justice Communities Grows | An End to Toxic Roadways

New England Currents | Summer 2024

In this Issue: National Updates, VICTORY! We Are Taking on Toxic PFAS Chemicals and Winning!, ReThink Disposable: We’re Building the Solutions to Plastic Pollution, Plate to Planet Campaign, When Young People Speak, the World Listens: Cathen Fontanilla Speaks!, Salem Workers are Building the Renewable Energy Future, Waterbury Home Energy Action Kicks Off Round 2!, Unfinished Busines: The Bottle Bill and Plastic Pollution

New Jersey Warehouse Boom

About one in three New Jersey residents now lives within a half-mile of a mega-warehouse, facing elevated exposure to freight truck pollution, according to a new report released Tuesday, June 18 by Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), Coalition for Healthy Ports, and Clean Water Action.

Minnesota 2023 PFAS Prevention Package: Amara's Law

In 2023, Minnesota passed the strongest PFAS prevention legislation in the country. The legislation was named Amara's Law after Amara Strande, a young woman who grew up in an area contaminated by PFAS and diagnosed with an exceedingly rare form of cancer. Amara advocated and testified in support of the bills banning all non-essential use of PFAS chemicals, requiring manufacturers who are selling products in Minnesota to disclose if PFAS chemicals are present, and to close a loophole in the 2019 bill that ended the use of PFAS in firefighting foam.