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Hidden Dangers: Steps for a Healthy, Toxic-Free Lawn

Mounting evidence shows that pesticide contamination has harmful effects in humans, pets, wildlife, birds, bees, and other beneficial insects. This summer, avoid pesticide use on lawns. Pesticides are not needed for a healthy, attractive lawn. Instead, take an organic approach to lawn care and accept that variety in a lawn is good.

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Big progress on sewage backups in Baltimore

Great news! When we rallied at City Hall last November and joined the City Council at a hearing to investigate DPW's policies around sewage backups, everyone heard loud and clear that DPW's policies around sewer backups and its Expedited Reimbursement program weren't working. At the follow-up

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Testimony in Support of NJ's Environmental Justice Bill

Kim Gaddy, Clean Water Action's Environmental Justice Organizer, testified before the NJ Assembly Environment Committee on Monday July 20, 2020 in support of NJ's Environmental Justice legislation (S232 / A2212). If you live in New Jersey, please contact your legislators to urge them to pass the

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New policy will safeguard Colorado waters from toxic PFAS

On July 14th we won a huge victory when the Colorado Water Quality Control Commission unanimously approved a policy that provides Colorado a clear path forward to address PFAS contamination in surface and ground waters. Despite the serious health impacts from PFAS, there are no federal regulations to control these chemicals in surface water or drinking water, so states around the country have been adopting their own regulations and policies to protect residents.
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