press release
Official Statement | Trump Administration Directs Agencies to Freeze Grant Funding
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The Trump administration’s latest memo, which directs agencies to freeze funding for popular and effective programs relied upon by millions, is not only misguided but deeply damaging.
press release
Trump Administration's Promise for "Clean Air and Water"
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President Trump has claimed that his administration will deliver the “cleanest air and water.” This promise will be difficult to fulfill if he continues on his current path. From withdrawing from an international agreement around tackling the climate crisis to unleashing oil and gas production - the Trump administration’s Day 1 Executive Orders and actions enable a polluter free-for-all that puts clean water and clean air at risk while blocking cleaner energy sources like offshore wind.
press release
Baltimore City Council Poised to Support EPA, MDE Requirements for Sewage Backup Assistance Program
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Final Decision Rests with Mayor Scott and Baltimore City DPW
Tonight, the Baltimore City Council will vote on a resolution to support expanded access to the City’s Sewage Onsite Support program, an action that would provide relief for hundreds of Baltimore residents annually who experience
press release
More Can Be Done for Water Affordability With California’s Budget
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“While the Governor’s budget provides a narrative commitment to addressing high energy bills, high water bills are not discussed,” says Jennifer Clary, California Director, Clean Water Action. “These bills have been rising faster than inflation for the past 2 decades; It’s past time to address this problem. We urge the governor and legislature to similarly commit to work with us on this issue.”
press release
Connie St. John Brings Visionary Leadership to Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund as Major Gifts Officer
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Washington DC – Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund are thrilled to announce Connie St. John as their new Major Gifts Officer. Connie will steward the generous donors whose support fuels the vital work of both organizations. Based in the national DC office, she will work under the leadership of Development Director Andrea Herrmann.
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