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Managing the Waste Stream As An Ally At Standing Rock

—This is a guest blog by Genevieve Abedon of Californians Against Waste

Going to Standing Rock to fight for Native rights, land and water, and against the outdated oil and gas industry has been one of the most inspiring experiences of my life. I was at Oceti Sakowin camp in North Dakota for most of

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2017 Legislative Preview

In Maryland, the General Assembly meets every year for ninety days, from January to April. During this time, the State’s legislators introduce legislation on a variety of issues and must work together to pass a budget for the year ahead. With the 2017 Maryland General Assembly Session quickly

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Parenting in a Toxic World

There’s no getting around it: this world can be a scary place, and as parents and caregivers, we do whatever we can to shield our children from harm. From proper sleeping positions in infancy to talking about safe sex, we are always striving to control for and eliminate threats to our kids’ health

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Thank you Clean Water Members

This week we gather with family and friends to give thanks and reflect on the past year. Though the past few weeks have been tough, as I think about 2016 and look forward to 2017, I am full of gratitude for Clean Water Action members.

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Get this Shirt (Take a Stand for Clean Water)

Get this shirt. Wear it. Protect Clean Water.

Our water’s in big trouble.

The next President and his polluter-friendly Congress have pledged to support a sweeping Dirty Water agenda. Remember our big Clean Water Rule victory to protect drinking water sources? They want to reverse it. Then they

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