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Our State of the State

Last week Governor Snyder gave his annual State of the State address. Among all the glowing reviews he had about how far our state has come, were a few glaring omissions. To begin with, the people of Flint, after more than 1,000 days, still cannot drink water from their taps. The governor spent less

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What Can Aquariums Do To Reduce Plastic Pollution?

Aquariums are in a great position to educate their visitors about the harmful impacts of plastic pollution. Lots of people visit aquariums—more than 183 million, worldwide, each year—and, according to research, they trust them more than most other public and private agencies.

I was thrilled to be

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An Environmental Justice Disaster

Sometimes injustice at the community level, where neighbors live in close proximity to a major polluter for decades, demands that we pull out all the stops. The on-going tragedy taking place in Saugus, Massachusetts is that kind of environmental justice disaster.

Saugus is home to the oldest trash

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