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EPA misses the point on toxic algae outbreaks

Today EPA announced “See a bloom, give it room”, a contest for high school students to make a video that “promotes awareness of harmful algal blooms” and “how to spot and steer clear of them.” It doesn’t mention what EPA should be doing to stop them.

The release goes on to note that “Certain

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Funding Baltimore's Fair Elections Fund

On September 16, the Baltimore City Council's Judiciary Committee has its hearing on the Baltimore Fair Elections Fund, important legislation to level the playing field for candidates hoping to win local offices in Baltimore. Clean Water Action supports initiatives like this that make our democracy

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Victory: Open Space Loophole Closed in Baltimore County

This week, the Baltimore County Council voted to pass Bill 37-19, which closes two loopholes that impacted open space requirements in the county. Previously, developers could count parking lot islands and private amenities towards their required open space acreage. Common sense dictates that little

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Let's End Citizens United

The Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision unleashed a flood. It opened the door to unlimited dark money into our politics. We’ve been dealing with the impacts ever since.

But there is hope for change.

800 cities and towns, and 20 states are calling for a constitutional amendment to overturn

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