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Voting,after Sandy

By Amy Goldsmith, NJEF Director (New Jersey Environmental Federation is Clean Water Action's New Jersey chapter) A little over a week ago, New Jersey was hard hit by Hurricane Sandy. Families left without heat, electricity, homes, any of their belongings, and clean drinking water. The "Tide Truck"
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It's Crazy Out There. So, What's Your Plan?

By Michael Kelly, Director of Online Communications The election is tomorrow. Clean Water Staff across the country will be blogging about what it means nationally and locally. Check back for more. Unless you've voted early by mail or in person (and good for you, if you have. Especially those who
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Why Clean Water Matters in this Election

by Jonathan Scott, Communications Director This election is all about jobs and the economy, right? But I care about environmental issues – especially clean water. Where does this leave me and all the rest of us who care about our water? Let’s be realistic. Most people care about more than one thing
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Vote Like You Care About Drinking Water!

By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director The election is tomorrow. Clean Water Staff across the country will be blogging about what it means nationally and locally. Check back for more. Given that we always choose clean drinking water as an issue of great importance in polls and surveys, perhaps
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Mark Scappe for Pennsylvania State Representative

By Steve Hvozdovich, Marcellus Campaign Coordinator Mark Scappe for State House!

We're less than a week from the election. Clean Water Staff across the country will be blogging about what it means nationally and locally. Check back for more. What kind of representative has Mark Mustio been for the
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PA: Vote for Paul Drucker on November 6th:

Paul Drucker for State House!

By Joe Nye, Eastern Pennsylvania Program Organizer We're less than a week from the election. Clean Water Staff across the country will be blogging about what it means nationally and locally. Check back for more. Recently, if you live in the 157 th PA State House
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