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By Steve Hvozdovich, Marcellus Campaign Coordinator

For those in the heart of gas country, impacts from natural gas drilling to water and air quality are a daily concern and a threat to their quality of life. The bills introduced in the U.S. Congress today by Representatives Matthew Cartwright (D-PA) and Jared Polish (D-CO) mean so much to these people and show them that their government is concerned about their well being and working to protect them. Their leadership is welcomed.

Too often industry has been given a free pass. The BREATHE and FRESHER Acts close loopholes in the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act that have left stormwater runoff pollution and toxic air pollution from hydraulic fracturing operations go uncontrolled. We need environmental champions now more than ever. Thanks to Reps. Cartwright and Polis for leading the way in making sure natural gas drillers play by the rules. It’s the very least we can do to protect the water we drink and the air we breathe.