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Study Shows Vulnerable CA Communities Left Behind in Groundwater Sustainability Planning

For the past three years, Clean Water Action has played a leading role in assessing how groundwater sustainability plans submitted to the state of California are considering and protecting vulnerable communities dependent on groundwater as their source of drinking water. Key findings show that 63% of domestic users across the state are not protected by current sustainability plans.
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Clean Water Action Speaks Out Against Coal Ash

Until EPA enforces the federal rule and ensures all coal ash dumps are regulated, contamination of groundwater and drinking water supplies will continue. We must make enforcement a priority and mandate safe closure and cleanup of coal ash nationwide to ensure all communities are protected.
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Great news! EPA & MDE order Baltimore City to help more households with sewer backups

For nearly a decade, Baltimore residents have been demanding that the City help people out when City infrastructure causes sewage to back up into people's homes. And this summer, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Maryland Department of the Environment are supporting residents' demands, ordering the City to start offering assistance to every household that faces a sewer backup caused by issues in City infrastructure.
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On-Farm Composting Webinar

Farmers can play an integral role in a healthy, local environment, and this year Maryland passed legislation enabling farmers to accept more food scraps into their existing foot print for manure composting. Keith Ohlinger, a Central Maryland farmer, joined us to speak about how farmers can use food scraps to create compost, and what this means for the environment.
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