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Dear Albertsons: When will you protect our health?

Today, I joined the Clean Water Action Boston team to pay a visit to a Star Market in Boston as a part of a national Mind the Store campaign week of action. While other large chain stores like Walmart and CVS have come to the table to implement policy that would phase out their products that contain

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Trawling Narragansett Bay

This week, Clean Water Action is trawling Narragansett Bay for microplastic pollution. With this trawl, we hope to show that plastic pollution isn't just an issue in the middle of the ocean, it's a problem right here in our own waters.

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Speaking out for the Monocacy

Yesterday was the latest in many public hearings about the Monocacy Scenic River Management Plan. Developed by a volunteer board of Frederick County and Carroll County Residents, the Plan is meant to outline the many water quality, land use, and wildlife habitat challenges facing the Monocacy River

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