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I’m with Her (Mother Earth): A Climate Affair

If you open up your social media feed you’ll probably notice a lot of news about incredible young people doing powerful things to influence policy, make the world a better place, or just being awesome. The youth are our future, which is why Clean Water Action decided to start a Youth Advisory Board

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Protecting Groundwater to Protect Public Health

Clean water and public health are top priorities for us over at Clean Water Action which is why we are at the frontlines fighting for these issues in our State Capitol. We believe that access to clean, healthy and safe drinking water is the basis of health and wellbeing for everyone. For us, it all

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Diving Into the Fight for Clean Water

My whole life, I’ve lived near the water. I grew up in one of Long Island’s beach towns on the North Shore and I spent my childhood vacations at my grandmother’s log cabin on one of Minnesota’s ten thousand lakes. Even in my teenage years, I returned summer after summer to a camp on Vermont’s Lake Champlain.

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