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Wellhead Protection for Our Drinking Water

Laura Sachs is a Program Intern with our Minnesota Office

Everyone has a right to safe and affordable drinking water. Clean water is one of Minnesota’s most precious resources, and it’s time that we act like it.

Nearly 75% of Minnesotans gets their drinking water from groundwater. With almost 10

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Hearing from Our Members

CT Member Survey Results

We asked our members in Connecticut what they were concerned about. The results are in and issues like stormwater runoff, plastic pollution and PFAS contamination of drinking water sources around the country, including some private wells in Greenwich were top priorities

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Keep Those Antibiotics Effective, Maryland!

In 2017, after years of work in coalition and thousands of grassroots comments from Marylanders like you, Maryland became the second state in the nation to pass a law limiting the use of antibiotics being fed to healthy animals.

This was a critical step in safeguarding medically-important

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The Monocacy River deserves a better Monocacy Plan

For the past two years, Frederick and Carroll Counties have been debating the Monocacy Plan: an advisory document meant to guide both counties on improving the health of their shared Monocacy River. But between 2017 and 2018, drastic changes were made to the Plan that gutted its value for protecting

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Pursuing Environmental Justice In Kern County

Clean Water Action has been working with communities in Kern County since 2014 to bring resources and attention to the needs of local residents in order to advocate for community health protections and improved regulations on the oil and gas industry.
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The Least EPA Could Do on PFAS

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a plan that summarizes ongoing activity, affirms commitments the agency made in May 2018, and announces several new initiatives. The “PFAS Action Plan” is an exhaustive review of what EPA is doing and commits to some new initiatives.

Given the

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