Beware of Black Plastic: Share leftover stuffing, NOT leftover toxics!
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What it Takes to Win: The Massachusetts Flame Retardants Bill Story
The campaign to ban toxic flame retardants in Massachusetts started in January 2013 when Senator Cynthia Stone Creem filed the first version of the bill to ban toxic flame retardants. We knew we needed a strong coalition for it to become law. So when environmental groups and
Talking Lead Service Lines in Malden, Massachusetts
Lead exposure is a problem that America has been facing for decades. The EPA estimates that lead in drinking water can account for 20% of a person's exposure to lead ( Lead and Drinking Water). Currently, there are lead service lines in up to ten million homes across the country. Replacing them
Biden's EPA must act quickly to undo the damage Trump caused
I’ve been working on the question of what water should be protected by the Clean Water Act for 19 years. Polluters and their allies in Congress have been trying to remove some water bodies from the Act’s jurisdiction for just as long, so you would think I ran out of outrage a long time ago. But no.
What I told EPA: Fix the Clean Water Act
The Trump Dirty Water Rule (AKA the "Navigable Waters Protection Rule”) eliminated Clean Water Act protections for certain streams and wetlands. U.S. Environmental Protect Agency (EPA) Administrator Michael Regan has said the rule is “leading to significant environmental degradation.” Earlier this
Frederick City Primary Election Forums
All across Maryland, the news is buzzing about the race for Governor, but in some local governments, it's already election season. If you're registered to vote with a political party in Frederick City, a ballot is on its way (if it hasn't arrived already!) for you to vote in the Primary for the
Moving Towards Zero Waste in Connecticut
Connecticut’s Incinerator is shutting down - now is not the time to expand a polluting ash disposal facility.