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Congress: Protecting Polluters, Not People

By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director Another day, another House committee debating whether our regulations that keep our water drinkable, air breathable, and communities healthy are worth it. As early as tomorrow, the powerful House Appropriations Committee will take up consideration of bill
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Colorado: Don't FRACK Our Schools

By Erin Adair, Colorado Program Coordinator

Gary Wockner on Taking Action on Fracking

Clean Water Action, along with Sierra Club, Food and Water Watch and a local citizens group, What the Frack?! Arapahoe County co-sponsored a “Don’t FRACK Our Schools”, a public meeting last week in Aurora, CO We
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Fact, Fiction and the Dirty Water Reality

By Lynn Thorp, National Program Director Thanks to confusing Supreme Court decisions and actions by the last Administration, some water bodies are left without guaranteed Clean Water Act protection. Debate around closing these gaps in protection has always been colored by the influence of polluters’
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Kick Badger's Ash

That about sums it up...

By Susan Harley, Michigan Policy Director I spent my Memorial Day weekend in Ludington, MI enjoying Lake Michigan’s sandy beaches, dog-friendly hiking trails, and quaint downtown shops. One evening, as I savored my House of Flavors scoop on the way to the waterfront to snap
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