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Water Wasteland and the Clean Water Act

Water Wasteland, By Clean Water Action Founder David Zwick

By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director It's amazing what a book can do. The Clean Water Act would not have passed without the efforts of many to expose water pollution problems and to make the case for a federal program. An important
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Celebrating Forty Years of Clean Water in Michigan

By Elli Bell, Michigan Energy Program Intern

Fight for Michigan's Lakes with the Clean Water Act!

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Clean Water Act. This landmark law is still protecting Michigan residents’ health and preserving our beautiful state after all of these years and will for

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Tell the world you support the #CleanWaterAct!

Make this your profile image and support 40 years of clean water!

By Michael Kelly, Director of Online Communications The Clean Water Act is turning forty this Thursday, October 18th and we’re celebrating – on Twitter! Join us and tell the world how important the Clean Water Act is to our nation’s
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Drinking Water and the Clean Water Act

By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director Making two key laws work together

The Clean Water Act turns forty on Thursday, October 18th. This week, our water experts and friends are reflecting on the Act The water that comes out of our tap is the most common interaction most of us have with water
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The Clean Water Act Stands - Let's Stand With It

By Alan Farago, Guest Writer and Clean Water Action Member

When the Clean Water Act was passed by Congress forty years ago, I had no idea how important this landmark federal law would be to my work as an environmental activist in Florida. On this important anniversary, I am reminded how far our

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