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Good Things Are Possible in 2013

By Bob Wendelgass, President & CEO Good Things Are Possible

Here’s what we know: Continued opposition to environmental protection by the majority of the US House means that bills to address climate change or strengthen water protections are not going to pass in 2013. But that doesn’t mean that
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Protect Ocean State’s shore from debris

By State Representative Donna Walsh (D- 36) and Jamie Rhodes, Rhode Island Director This post was first published in the Providence Journal There are few Rhode Islanders — or visitors to the Ocean State — who haven’t encountered a bottle or plastic bag on their favorite beach or other cozy coastal
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Why Care

Sandy hits New York

By Casille Systermans, Washington DC Field Manager and Program Intern Last week I wrote about the #ForwardonClimate Rally, imploring our leaders to act. The question remains: why should we care? Those making and influencing our policy decisions will not live to see the serious
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By Casille Systermans, Washington, DC Field Manager and Program Intern As a 23 year old, I must admit, I find myself feeling more than a little annoyed at the generations of US and world leaders who, in my view, have failed me and my generation by failing to act on the issue of Climate Change. In
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