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World Water Day and the US Senate

By Kim Klimpel, National Program Intern Happy World Water Day everyone! Across the globe, people are spending the day reflecting on the accomplishments that have given more people access to clean drinking water. Our most precious resource gets to wear a party hat and be the highlight of a multitude
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Yes to a budget. No to polluters' riders.

By Michael Kelly, Director of Online Communications Finally! After nearly four years without a budget from the Senate, our Senators are working on, and debating, a budget. Of course, it won't be easy. This is the Senate, after all. Watch the debate live in CSPAN, here Polluters and their allies are
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Clean Water for Ed Markey

By Cindy Luppi, New England Regional Director I'm proud to report this week Clean Water Action endorsed Representative Ed Markey in the United States Senate race in Massachusetts. For decades, Rep. Markey has been a consistent and powerful friend to all who value clean air, clean water and healthy
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Protecting Communities in Fracking Country

By Steve Hvozdovich, Marcellus Campaign Coordinator

For those in the heart of gas country, impacts from natural gas drilling to water and air quality are a daily concern and a threat to their quality of life. The bills introduced in the U.S. Congress today by Representatives Matthew Cartwright (D-PA

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Powerful Women: Lori Ehrlich

By Joel Wool, Clean Energy Organizer MA Residents: Stand with Lori, call for clean power and healthy communities If your children left soot where they walked, left coal-black footprints in the kitchen, would you have the courage to ask what was in their air and water? Would you stand up to terrible
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Powerful Women: Pauline Rodrigues

By Joel Wool, Clean Energy Campaign Organizer "The end of coal-burning is near: we need to think about what comes next." Join Pauline in asking Massachusetts to Plan for Transition Five hundred feet from the old Montaup plant in Somerset, minutes from where her husband grew up, Pauline had no idea
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