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California: Still Not Protecting Us from Fracking

By Andrew Grinberg, Oil and Gas Program Coordinator January 14 marked the end of California's 60 day public comment period on proposed fracking regulations. Over the last two months Clean Water Action members and supporters have spoken, submitting thousands of comments calling for a halt to fracking
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By the Wayside...Are They Serious?

By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director (Follow Lynn on Twitter - @LTCWA) Charleston Gazette reporter Ken Ward Jr. just tweeted that local officials in West Virginia had this to say about planning for chemical accidents and spills: “That's just something that's kind of fallen by the wayside.”
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Marchers Demand Clean Air and Fair Development

By Will Fadely, Baltimore Organizer The march to the incinerator

Energy Answers a dirty Waste-to-Energy Incinerator is being constructed less than 1 Mile from Schools, Parks, Playgrounds, Homes, and Water Bodies of the community of Curtis Bay. Waste-to-Energy (WTE) may sound “green”, but residents
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How about some good news, for a change?

Thanks to Clean Water Action friends and members like you, success on Clean Water Action’s top clean water priorities has never been closer: Restoring protection for small streams and wetlands Controlling polluted runoff Reducing toxic pollution that threatens our drinking water, and more. We’re on
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