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Finally, Coal Ash Rule Out by End of 2014

By Jennifer Peters, National Water Campaign Coordinator (Follow Jennifer on Twitter - @EarthAvenger) Update - February 18, 2014: Click here to tell EPA to Put Drinking Water First and Protect Communities from Coal Ash! After years of delay, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced it
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States Taking the Lead

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By Cindy Luppi, New England Regional Director Exciting news: state legislatures are starting to ramp up across the country...and a majority of them, at least 33, are considering bills to regulate toxic chemicals. Clean Water Action is leading the charge on this issue in
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Drought Inspires Call for Long-Term Solutions

It’s said that the worst time to plan for a drought is when you’re in one. Clean Water Action has long been a supporter of locally sustainable and resilient water supplies that can be used to diversify our supply, enhance our communities and reduce reliance on environmentally damaging water diversions.
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