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Clean Water Rule = Critical to Maryland

Having a healthy water source is critical to our economy. From agriculture, to wildlife, to craft brewing, and clean tech, clean water is the lifeblood to it all. Headwater and seasonal streams feed the drinking water sources of two out of every three Marylanders.

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Victory for Our Water Is Sweet

By Miriam Gordon, California State Director - Follow Miriam on Twitter (@CleanH2OMiriam) Yesterday's announcement by US EPA that it has finalized its rulemaking and restored Clean Water Act protections for drinking water sources that serve 117 million Americans is nothing short of historic. I can
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Why the Clean Water Rule is Good for Rhode Island

Meg Kerr, Rhode Island State Director Rhode Island may be the nation’s smallest state, but we all know it as the ocean state, a lovely place that is defined by its fantastic water resources. Narragansett Bay and the rivers that feed it – the Blackstone, Taunton, Woonasquatucket, Moshassuck, Ten Mile
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