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Fighting Back Toxic Flame Retardants

Marley Kimmelman is an Environmental Health and Justice Intern with our Massachusetts office

The last time you heard from me I was just beginning my internship with Clean Water Action. That was 5 months ago.

Even before stepping foot in to the Clean Water Action office in downtown Boston I had

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Cleaning Up Corporate Ag, Cleaning Up Our Water

There’s nothing better on a spring or summer day in Minnesota than enjoying a relaxing day in the sun, swimming or fishing on your favorite lake or river. Unfortunately, in many parts of the state this isn’t possible or safe because the water isn’t clean enough. Excess chemicals, fertilizers, and

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Tell The Federal Railway Administration to Protect Railway Safety

In February, Baltimore oil trains activists gathered to learn about a deadly accident in Lac-Mégantic three years ago. Railroad Workers United representative Fritz Edler joined a resident of Lac-Mégantic to explain how policy decisions, like staffing that train with only one crew member, led to the train derailment and explosion in the middle of that small town.

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