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A New Energy Law in Massachusetts

It has been a busy, busy two years.

Advocates, activists, health professionals, clean energy entrepeneurs, faith leaders, researchers, scientists, and public officials in every corner of the state have been pushing forward clean energy and climate solutions that empower communities, invest in our

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Lessons from a Rainy Day

I had a relative who told me when I was growing up: “If you want to make sure it rains, plan an event that must be held outside.”

I’m pleased to say that wisdom proved correct when our tour of green infrastructure projects at Providence College was held in a light, steady rainfall.

The fact that

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6 Million Gallons of Sewage in Baltimore's Waterways

When Baltimore City’s sewer system was first installed in 1909, it was considered cutting edge technology. Now, after over a century of neglect, it is undersized and outdated, and has led to raw sewage flowing into the city’s waterways and flooding residents’ basements. After the powerful storm that

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