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What’s that Smell?

Every day we are exposed to hidden dangers in our personal care products, the food we eat, and the clothes we wear; but did you know that there are also dangers lurking in the place where you rest your head? Our mattresses are supposed to be a restful haven, a place where we can feel comfortable and

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Charging Up Massachusetts

There's lots of energy at work in Massachusetts. I have to admit, I'm a little surprised—after a stunningly high-stakes legislative session and two huge Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court decisions ( Case 1: kids sue state to win climate regulation; Case 2: unlikely allies team up to tell the

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The people on your ballot

As I’m sure you’re all too aware, it’s election season. The presidential election is everywhere you turn. We all know more than we ever wanted to know about the personal and professional lives of Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump (and the choice is abundantly clear).

But what about the rest of the

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Water in (Re)View

What do I really love about water? The smell of rain, the floating in it, the slipperiness of our bodies swimming in it. The way that floating with ears under the surface mutes all sounds except my own heartbeat and blood flow. The way we gather around it, flock to it, retreat at it and in it.

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Manatees in Massachusetts???

Well, Labor Day is behind us and fall is here, unofficially. What stands out for me this summer is the weirdness of the weather and...manatees! It is official: we have just experienced the warmest summer yet -- NASA has confirmed that and is predicting that 2016 will be the warmest year on record

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