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Out There Every Day

I work daily with an amazing team of dedicated organizers. We spend 5 hours a day, 5 days a week, year round, regardless of the weather or anything else, knocking on doors and engaging people to take action to protect clean water.
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Silver Lining in the Granite State

Many of us are feeling defeated in the wake of this November’s election results. A Trump presidency was both feared and unexpected, but a republican controlled congress may actually be the hidden danger we’ve all been missing.

When I left my office job in Boston to work on elections in Nashua New

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Cracking Down on Shell’s Cracker Plant

Thirty miles northwest of Pittsburgh in Beaver County, Pennsylvania, Royal Dutch Shell is preparing to build the largest petrochemical processing facility that our region has ever seen. Every day, Shell’s Ethane Cracker Plant will consume ethane from 88 million gallons of natural gas, much of it

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Rhode Island in the Lead

With the last mail ballots now counted here in our state, it is pretty safe to say that the official results reveal just how important the environment is to Rhode Islanders.

Do we have reason to be concerned about the outcome of the presidential election? We do. However, in Rhode Island we will

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Minnesota Mirrors the Nation

Emotions were high as numbers trickled in for president, U.S. House, Minnesota State Senate and Minnesota House of Representatives. Late into the evening and early Wednesday morning we watched as Donald Trump became the next President of the United States.

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