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Sustainable Groundwater Management in California Depends on You!

Clean Water Fund, in partnership the Union of Concerned Scientists and Community Water Center has released its first guide to California groundwater planning. Collaborating for Success follows the passage of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), and provides a roadmap for local agencies to ensure that communities, environmental advocates, tribes and other stakeholders are effectively engaged in local groundwater management efforts.
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ReThinking Disposables

By Madison Davis, California Waste Program Intern Since starting my summer internship at Clean Water Action in Oakland, I’ve discovered how little I really knew about how disposable containers’ impact our environment. Of course as a life long environmentalist, I’ve always tried to do what I could

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Drought Inspires Call for Long-Term Solutions

It’s said that the worst time to plan for a drought is when you’re in one. Clean Water Action has long been a supporter of locally sustainable and resilient water supplies that can be used to diversify our supply, enhance our communities and reduce reliance on environmentally damaging water diversions.
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