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Breaking News!  Governor Brown signed AB 888 (Bloom) to ban the use of plastic microbeads in personal care products into law. Clean Water Action was a co-sponsor of the bill fought for three years to get this landmark bill passed. This would not have been possible without Clean Water Action members like you.

AB 888 is the strongest plastic microbead ban in the country. Unlike laws passed in other states, there is no loophole that allows biodegradable plastics to be used as a substitute. This is huge because biodegradable plastics don’t actually degrade in the marine environment. The new law does allow the use of natural alternatives. This historic law will keep 38 tons of plastic out of California’s coastal waters and inland waterways. Governor Brown should be commended for signing the bill today. But special congratulations must go to the bill’s author, Assemblymember Richard Bloom of Santa Monica. Assemblymember Bloom stuck to his guns in the face of fierce industry opposition attempts to weaken the bill. And finally, special kudos go to Clean Water Action’s members who, over the last 3 years, sent thousands of letters and emails to their state legislators and the Governor supporting the ban. We can’t win these fights without you and are delighted to celebrate our success with all of you.

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