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Our State of the State

Last week Governor Snyder gave his annual State of the State address. Among all the glowing reviews he had about how far our state has come, were a few glaring omissions. To begin with, the people of Flint, after more than 1,000 days, still cannot drink water from their taps. The governor spent less

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Winning on Clean Energy in Michigan!

The 98th Michigan Legislature has passed a landmark package of bills expanding renewable energy, protecting ratepayers and the Great Lakes. Bipartisan support increased the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) from 10% by 2015 to 15% by 2022, with an interim mandate of 12.5% by 2019!

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Out There Every Day

I work daily with an amazing team of dedicated organizers. We spend 5 hours a day, 5 days a week, year round, regardless of the weather or anything else, knocking on doors and engaging people to take action to protect clean water.
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Will State House Lawmakers Ever Stand Up for Flint?

It was a dark, cold January day, shortly after Michigan officials had finally admitted that the people of Flint had been exposed to poisoned water running through their taps. We drove from Lansing to St Michael’s Church in Flint for an organizing meeting. Local activists, people from the non-profit

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