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Testimony on Septic Systems

HB318 - On-Site Wastewater Services - Regulation House Environment and Transportation Committee February 9, 2022

Position: Favorable

Dear Chairman Barve and Members of the Committee,

Septic systems are complicated, vital systems that play a crucial role in the health and wellbeing of not only our

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HB141/SB23: The Transit Equity Act

Today, the Transit Equity Act has its hearing in the Senate, and tomorrow, in the House! This important legislation puts measures in place to ensure that Maryland transportation planning is more equitable, and prevent something like the 2015 cancelation of the Red Line project in Baltimore from ever

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Testimony for SB229/HB184: On-Farm Composting

Small, local composting operations are a big part of the Zero Waste solution! That's why we're so excited to support SB229/ HB184, to promote the development of on-farm compost facilities. In collaboration with the Institute for Local Self-Reliance and Shore Rivers, we're also supporting amendments

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Expanding Composting in Frederick County

Great news for Zero Waste! Key City Compost, a company founded after Frederick County said no to a new incinerator, is growing and expanding their operations. This week, the Planning Commission held a public hearing and approved Key City Compost's new Site Plan, a key part of increasing the amount

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Maryland's 2022 Legislative Session

Maryland's legislative session starts this Wednesday! For the following 90 days, we'll be working to get important legislation passed for clean air, clean water, and healthy communities.

Septic Systems: Septic systems play an important role in protecting water quality, public health, and home

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