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Your septic system inspector can say what?

Did you know that septic systems inspectors in Maryland don't have to be licensed? That's right - the person who paints your home has to go through more training, paperwork, and ongoing requirements than the person who checks that your poop will be processed properly. We're working on a bill to

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Making low-impact landscaping more possible in Maryland

Yesterday, we testified in favor of House Bill 279, which would reduce the barriers that prevent people who want to reduce polluted stormwater runoff from installing green infrastructure on their own property. As we work to improve our local waterways, local governments should be making that easier

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Burning Trash is Not Recycling!

Did you know that Maryland lets counties get recycling credits for burning their trash and using the ash? The current Maryland Recycling Act allows municipalities to claim a 5% boost on their recycling just by using a trash incinerator, and also to count use of the highly toxic incinerator ash left

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Baltimore banned plastic bags!

Yesterday morning, we gathered with Baltimore City residents, advocates, Council members, state delegates, and Mayor Young for the final signing of legislation we've been working for over the past six months: the Comprehensive Bag Reduction Act! This city legislation bans plastic checkout bags in

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2020 Maryland Legislative Agenda

This year, we will be advocating for:

No more subsidies for trash incinerators. Since 2011, trash incinerators have benefited from Maryland's Renewable Portfolio Standard, which subsidizes renewable energy sources and was designed to move us to a lower carbon energy mix. Unfortunately, trash
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