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The Invisible Epidemic: How Diesel Pollution is Suffocating American Families

Clean Water Action co-leads the Coalition for Healthy Ports NY/NJ and has joined the national Moving Forward Network urging the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) to address global climate change caused by diesel emissions at our ports, warehouses, and highways across the country. Together, our goal is to gather hundreds of thousands of signatures to demand #ZeroEmissionsNow - sign the petition here.

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Campaigning for Environmental Justice

There are times in environmental battles when communities can start to feel this way. However, community organizing can play a critical role in bringing people together to rise up and make a difference. That's why I'm proud to be a community organizer with Clean Water Action. This past weekend, I had an incredible opportunity to work with activists in Staten Island who - like other seaport residents across the nation - are fighting for their health and environmental justice.

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#MakeExxonPay More Day of Action

By Alessandro Ciari, former community organizer with Clean Water Action and student, Montclair State University

"Ditch this dirty deal! Ditch this dirty deal!" chanted activists at a Day of Action at the Statehouse in Trenton yesterday. Environmental activists joined hundreds of concerned

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Start Oyster Creek cleanup as soon as plant closes

By Janet Tauro, Clean Water Action, NJ Board Chair - Follow on Twitter @CleanWaterNJ

The situation continues to deteriorate at the Oyster Creek nuclear plant in Lacey Township, New Jersey.

Federal regulators are moving toward increased oversight following an unplanned, emergency shutdown this month

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