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Zero Waste for the Holidays

Winter is almost here and the season for holiday entertaining is fast approaching. While hosting any kind of gathering, it is easy to focus on convenience rather than on how much waste you are creating. Yet, every bit of trash generated will end up polluting the environment down the line. Waste and plastic pollution has become a global environmental crisis, threatening our waterways and oceans, wildlife, public health, and even our climate.
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New Jersey Solar Farms Offer Big Consumer Savings

A majority of Clean Water Action members tell us they’d be willing to pay a small amount extra each month to be able to get their electricity from clean solar energy, generated locally, near where they live.

New Jersey has recently joined a growing list of states where Community Solar makes it

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Hidden Dangers: Steps for a Healthy, Toxic-Free Lawn

Mounting evidence shows that pesticide contamination has harmful effects in humans, pets, wildlife, birds, bees, and other beneficial insects. This summer, avoid pesticide use on lawns. Pesticides are not needed for a healthy, attractive lawn. Instead, take an organic approach to lawn care and accept that variety in a lawn is good.

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