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A majority of Clean Water Action members tell us they’d be willing to pay a small amount extra each month to be able to get their electricity from clean solar energy, generated locally, near where they live.

New Jersey has recently joined a growing list of states where Community Solar makes it possible to support clean, renewable solar energy – without having to pay extra. In fact, because clean renewable solar energy is so important to the state’s climate action planning, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities has created a Community Solar Energy Pilot program which allows folks who sign up early for one of these new, responsibly-sited Solar Farms to be guaranteed between 10-20 percent savings compared to regular utility offerings.

These state and utility incentives mean you could cut 10 percent or more from your average monthly electricity costs. The typical household can expect to save $100 or more annually. Many of our members will qualify to save a lot more.

We want our members to do this, because switching from dirty fossil fuel to clean solar to get your electricity is now easier in New Jersey than in most other states, and will yield lasting benefits for our water and for our climate.

The way community solar works (also called Solar Farms here in New Jersey), you don’t have to put solar panels on your roof or in your yard. You don’t have to own your own home. You don’t have to buy or lease anything. Community solar is a great, green way for you to save money by getting your electricity from otherwise wasted space – on old landfills or on top of big box stores and warehouses, where Solar Farms are typically located.

Clean Water Action has partnered with Neighborhood Sun to help launch this new program in New Jersey. Because the pilot program incentives are so strong, there are a limited number of slots available for our members, and they’ll likely get snapped up quickly.

Here’s how you can take advantage of this opportunity now:

  1. Go to Clean Water Action’s page at Neighborhood Sun.
  2. Fill out the simple form there, and be sure to check the “low or moderate” income box, if you think you qualify (low/moderate income consumers receive the greatest savings, up to 20%, and the state’s definition of who qualifies is quite generous).
  3. Select the Community Solar Farm that is in your utility’s service area (PSE&G).
  4. There is nothing to install. No up-front payments to buy or install solar panels.
  5. Save money. Support solar. Help Protect Clean Water.

Questions? You can contact Neighborhood Sun’s CEO, Gary Skulnik, directly, (202) 413-8534 or or email me directly,

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