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Publications by Clean Water Fund

Collaborating for Success: Stakeholder Engagement for Sustainable Groundwater Management Act Implementation

In August 2014, the California Legislature passed the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. For the first time, CA groundwater will have to be managed to protect the long-term reliability of the resource. Achieving the objective of sustainability will ultimately depend on the commitment and participation of a large number of actors throughout its implementation.

Green Scene - Working with Vendors

As an event manager you are in a unique position to control the sustainability of your event. By keeping sustainability at the forefront and working directly with your event vendors you can ensure

Putting Drinking Water First to Address Nutrient Pollution

Nutrient pollution from nitrogen and phosphorus runoff is one of the most pervasive water quality problems in the U.S. and there is increasing concern about their impact on drinking water.

Factsheet | Carbon Dioxide Enhanced Oil Recovery (CO2-EOR)

As a known threat to drinking water sources, enhanced oil recovery is regulated by the federal Safe Drinking Water Act Underground Injection Control program. Our research has found this program to be inadequate in protecting groundwater, relying on outdated rules, and insufficient data collection and staffing levels to ensure safety.

Aquifer Exemptions: Sacrificing Groundwater for Oil and Gas Production

The Aquifer Exemption program in the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Underground Injection Control (UIC) program allows certain oil and gas and mining activity to occur in groundwater that would otherwise be protected as a drinking water source.